Kung Fu - Shao'lin Chu'an Fa, Siu-Lum Pai Mi Chiao Tao Chang - Master Ismail Saadat

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[Random Quote] - If the enemy doesn’t move, I don’t move. If he moves just slightly, I move first.-Wang Zong Yue - (Added by: Administrator)

WELCOME! to the Bau Shu Fang Lian school of Shaolin Kung Fu . Our school teaches Traditional Styles of Northern and Southern Chinese Martial Arts. Located in Princeton-Junction New Jersey at 55 Hightstown St., the Bau Shu Fang Lian school has been supervised by its sole instructor Ismail Saadat for the past 20 years.
Check out news on upcoming retreat.
Check out the new photos from the Mercer county tournament.
Results form the Wong's 2003 Washington tournament.
Sneak a peak at the new Retreat Video!
Check out the new Dragon Article featured in Qigong magazine!.

This site is dedicated to the Bau Shu Fang Lian school of Shaolin Kung Fu . Our school teaches Traditional Styles of Northern and Southern Chinese Martial Arts. Located in Princeton-Junction New Jersey at 55 Hightstown St., the Bau Shu Fang Lian school has been supervised by its sole instructor Ismail Saadat for the past 20 years.

Hung Fut Kung Fu Special Ceremony Hung Fut Kung Fu Special Ceremony: ></a><br>1st time event in which 7 senior instructors were promoted to the level of master teachers.  This was hosted by the United States Hung Fut Kung Fu Association.   Grandmaster Tai Yim, 9th generation heir presented this special ceremony.   Chaantzu Ismail was invited to help participate along with other masters and grandmasters such as grandmaster
Pride and Arrogance Pride and Arrogance: He will not enter Paradise, who hath pride, equal to a single grain of a mustard seed, in his heart…Spoken by Holy Prophet Muhammad (sws).

Monk Master Po Monk Master Po: There are three treasures that I hold most dearest: MERCY from which comes courage, the 2nd is FRUGALITY from which comes generosity and the 3rd is HUMILITY from which comes leadership.........

The Disciple and the Student The Disciple and the Student: A student wanted to know the truth so he left the Shaolin school, his Master, brother and sister kung fu classmates and went in search of the truth. He traveled to many other areas, taking instructions from other teachers, making friendships with other people and underwent much personal suffering. One day he woke up and was seventy years old. All this and he had not found the truth. He decided to return home to die, so he re-traveled the many roads through the vast lands, re-crossed the dangerous rivers, climbed the high mountains, and again underwent much personal suffering. When he arrived at the entrance of his old martial arts school, he opened the door and found that the truth was there, it was always there…his original master had always been an excellent example of the Tao, the student didn't understand before but he now saw the light! ONLY THE DISCIPLES UNDERSTAND THE TRUE TRANSMISSION OF THE CHAANTZU, SIFU OR MASTER. A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THEM! THE DISCIPLES ARE SELF-LESS AND COMMIT TO THE MARTIAL CAUSE WITH INTENT OF HELPING "ALL PEOPLE", NEEDING THE ENLIGHTED WAY! O-Mei To Fu

Wisdom Of The Grandmaster Wisdom Of The Grandmaster: A Shaolin Disciple's strength flows from the force of righteous, But beware of the dark side...arrogance, egotism, betrayal, aggression--If once you start down the dark path...forever will it dominate your destiny---consume you it will.......Grandmaster Yoda

A lesson for the wise A lesson for the wise: The final scripture that was sent to all mankind, gives an important lesson to the wise. Even the golden diamond sutra of Buddha teaches the same lesson. However, this lesson will only benefit the wise, simple and normal good person. To whomever the SUPREME BEING guides to the path, no one can misled them. And to whomever the SUPREME BEING leds astray....no one can bring them back!!! This is a famous warning in which the Supreme Being tells the righteous striving person not to become despaired due to a close relative or friend not being able to see the right path. Only he can choose who is worthy of his guidance, mercy, wisdom and blessings. For the righteous "will never" leave the folds of the righteous! Om Mei Tou Fu

Mercer County Championships 2017 Mercer County Championships 2017: Congratulations to all of the young tigers and tigress that competed March 27, 2017. Total of 17 gold and silver medals and 2 grand champions.

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